Olive Grove

The olive grove at Il Rifugio is thought to be first planted around the late Renascence period. Over the centuries, many of the trees have died back due to periods of heavy frost and lack of attention and then re-sprouted. Just after we purchased Il Rifugio in 2001, we started the long process of restoring over 30 years of neglect. Using backhoes, chainsaws, and hand tools, we recovered and restored as much as we could.
As part of the restoration project, we have about doubled the number of trees by filling in where old trees have died and by clearing and planting new fields. In 2018 we purchased an additional three hectares of land adjacent to our property. Two of the three hectares are part of the original olive grove surrounding Il Rifugio. The olive grove at Il Rifugio now consists of 6 fields in close proximity with a total population of approximately 1,000 trees.
In 2011 we obtained an organic status for the olive grove and the vineyards. Our estate-grown olive trees are hand pruned, hand-picked, and processed in small batches at a state-of-the-art olive mill near our farm. The result is one of the highest quality Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oils that Tuscany has to offer.